Watch out for holiday driving

Distracted and drunk driving during the holidays causes a fair share of traffic accidents. An increased number of people are on the road, celebrating holiday festivities between Christmas and New Year’s Day.

What are the signs of distracted driving?

While driving, you could suspect another driver was engaged in distracted driving through the following signs:

  • Not maintaining lane position (driving between lanes)
  • Sudden swerving for no reason
  • Frequently slowing down or speeding up
  • Sudden braking in reaction to normal traffic stops
  • Running a red light or stop sign
  • Tailgating the vehicle ahead
  • Stopping longer than necessary at traffic signs
  • Driving much slower or faster than the speed limit or flow of traffic
  • Seeing that the driver’s eyes are not on the road ahead (for example, looking down at a phone)

(Reference: JD Supra)

What are the signs of drunken driving?

According to, the following are signs of drunken driving:

  • Tailgating
  • Fast acceleration or deceleration
  • Drifting in and out of traffic lanes
  • Weaving across the road
  • Almost hitting a curb, object or vehicle
  • Erratic braking or stopping without reason
  • Driving in areas not designated for vehicles

What actions should you take to protect yourself against distracted or drunk driving during the holidays?

Once you spot the irresponsible driving, you should keep your distance from the car. Either pull off the road to dial 911, or have a passenger in your car dial 911 and report the vehicle and license tag number.

Ensure that you and everyone in your car are wearing their seat belts. Statistics show that seat belts save lives. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that seatbelts reduce front seat passengers risk of death by 45% and their risk of moderate to critical injuries by 50%.

Also, be aware of intersections. Many drunk driving accidents occur at intersections. Make sure you stop and look both ways when driving. If another vehicle is approaching too fast to stop, wait and allow them the right-of-way.

Do you need help with an accident claim?

The Law Office of Michael R. De La Paz handles cases nationwide that involve serious vehicle accidents. We also have successfully represented victims throughout the state—from the Dallas and Fort Worth area to central and southern Texas. Arrange a free consultation today to evaluate your potential case.