Defensive driving can save lives
Defensive driving can help drivers protect themselves in dangerous situations. Examples of dangerous situations include reckless drivers, poor road surfaces or hazardous weather.
Guidelines for Defensive Driving
The following are a few defensive driver tips to help you avoid dangerous or unexpected circumstances on the road.
Make sure your vehicle is roadworthy before you leave. For a visual inspection, check tires, adjust mirrors and check car seats. Set your GPS and music before leaving and set your phone to «do not disturb.» Allow enough travel time for stops and breaks. And of course, buckle up in your seatbelt before driving.
Scan ahead while on the road
Keep an eye on what’s ahead a quarter of a mile (ten seconds) or at the next intersection. Watch out for erratic drivers and other cars drifting in their lanes.
Follow traffic laws and don’t speed
Stop at red lights and stop signs. Also pay attention to drivers who look like they may not stop at traffic signs or lights. Aggressive drivers and distracted drivers are prone to running red lights. Always yield the right-of-way and abide by traffic speeds and signs. Be sure to signal ahead when turning. In rainy weather, slow down by a third of the speed you normally drive and slow by at least half in snowy conditions.
Keep your distance between vehicles
Allow space between your car and other vehicles. Two to four seconds is usually a safe following distance, but heavy traffic or bad weather may require increasing the distance. When you pass another vehicle, or another vehicle is passing you, be aware of their blind spots before changing lanes. Pass only in zones where passing is allowed. Do not tailgate before passing another vehicle.
Be alert at intersections
Because more than 80% of collisions occur at intersections in cities, slow down when approaching a green light. As a precaution, you should also check for cars to your right and left. If you’re at a blind intersection, drive even slower.
Were you or your loved one seriously injured in a vehicle accident?
The Law Office of Michael R. De La Paz has extensive experience helping victims recover compensation in car accidents and tractor trailer crashes. We assist clients nationwide and also in areas throughout Texas, such as Port Aransas, Corpus Christi, South Padre Island and other areas statewide. Arrange a free consultation today to evaluate your potential case.
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