The Symptoms and Potential Risks Associated with Internal Bleeding

After a car accident or a slip and fall, it’s fairly common to experience internal bleeding, which may or may not be serious. It’s essential, after any type of trauma caused by someone else’s negligence or carelessness, that you immediately seek medical attention and that you retain the services of an experienced personal injury lawyer. The Law Office of Michael R. De La Paz can help.

How Can You Tell If You Have Internal Bleeding?

Most medical professionals agree that internal bleeding is one of the most common and most serious consequences of any type of trauma, including motor vehicle accidents, slips and falls and workplace accidents. It’s important to understand that you don’t have to have a penetrating injury, a laceration or puncture of the skin to experience internal bleeding. It often results from blunt force trauma, such as when your body makes contact with a foreign object or you are struck by a moving object.

The common symptoms of internal bleeding include:

  • A large purple spot on your skin, known as ecchymosis, typically at the spot of the internal bleeding
  • Dizziness, lightheadedness or loss of consciousness may result for bleeding anywhere within the body
  • Brain bleeds typically cause headaches or loss of consciousness
  • Trauma to your liver or spleen that causes internal bleeding may lead to abdominal pain or bloating
  • Swelling or tightness in limbs may be a sign of internal bleeding, often associated with a bone fracture

What Are the Potential Risks of Untreated Internal Bleeding?

Untreated internal bleeding can lead to a number of serious health problems:

  • You may go into shock (a sign that your tissues are not getting enough oxygen and blood)
  • You can experience damage to organs or even organ failure—without adequate blood, organs like you heart and kidneys can suffer almost immediate damage
  • With brain bleeds, you may have vision or memory loss, paralysis and difficulty swallowing
  • If untreated for as little as six hours, you could die

Let Us Help You Protect Your Rights When You’ve Experienced Internal Bleeding because of Someone Else’s Negligence

At the Law Office of Michael R. De La Paz, we can help fully protect your rights after any type of personal injury, including accidents that cause some level of internal bleeding. We know the unique challenges you’ll face and how to get full and fair compensation for all your potential losses. We handle personal injury cases in Texas and nationwide, including claims in the Brownsville, Dallas, Austin and  Houston metro areas. Arrange a free consultation today to evaluate your potential case.

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