How Much Can You Expect to Recover for Back Injury?
You’ve been in a motor vehicle accident or slipped and fell on residential or commercial property. Maybe you were hurt on a construction site. One of the most common consequences of those types of accidents is a herniated disc.
What Is a Herniated Disc?
Your spine has 33 vertebrae, individual bones that interlock to form a column. Between those vertebrae, you’ll find spongy cushions, known as discs. Often, as a result of a traumatic accident, the disc may rupture or bulge out, protruding into the spinal canal and causing nerve impingement.
How Is a Herniated Disc Commonly Treated?
That will depend, to a significant extent, on the severity of your injury. In most situations, the first course of action is rest and/or anti-inflammatory drugs. If that doesn’t work, you may receive steroid injections or may be referred to physical therapy. Under the worst-case scenario, you may require a surgical procedure to alleviate your pain and return to maximum wellness.
What Kind of Settlement Can You Expect after a Herniated Disc?
While it can be difficult to determine the potential amount of any settlement because of the unique nature of every case, studies show that, as a general rule, most herniated disc claims settle for anywhere from $85,000 to $150,000. If you require steroid injections (which can be pretty expensive), you can typically obtain a much larger settlement, based on how often and how long you need the injections. It’s not uncommon for a settlement to be doubled when steroid injections are necessary.
Contact Proven Texas Personal Injury Attorney Michael R. De La Paz
For a free initial consultation when you have suffered any type of personal injury, contact the Law Office of Michael R. De La Paz online or call our offices at (210)225-HURT (4878), toll-free at (800)645-8553. Se habla Espanol.
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