Texas Accident Attorney

Drunk Driving Accidents

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Drunk Driving Accidents

Texas Accident Attorney

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Did you get hurt in a drunk driving wreck in Texas?

Drunk driving is a selfish act that is completely preventable—yet every day, drunk drivers kill and injure people on Texas roads and highways. Irresponsible drivers climb into their vehicles laughing about how drunk they are without a care about the safety of the rest of us on the road. And yet 50%-75% of convicted drunk drivers are still out there, driving on suspended licenses.

Studies have estimated that every two minutes, an innocent person is injured in a drunk driving accident in this country. And two out of three people will be involved in a drunk driving accident in their lifetime. In Texas, we have one of the highest rates of drunk driving traffic accidents and drunk driving fatalities in the country.

Holding drunk drivers accountable in Texas

Laredo Personal injury attorney Michael R. De La Paz has worked for twenty years to hold drunk drivers accountable for their negligence. He understands how frustrated you are and the pain you are suffering. And while he can’t heal your injuries, he can help you seek justice against the drunk driver who caused your injuries and others responsible including the bars, clubs and stores that supplied the alcohol.

If you or a loved one has been hurt by a drunk driver in Laredo, whether you are a driver, a pedestrian or bicyclist, you will find the experienced legal help you need at the Law Office of Michael R. De La Paz. Since 1996, our Texas personal injury law firm has protected the rights of seriously injured clients and held those responsible for the injuries accountable.  

A drunk driver may not be the only party responsible for your injuries

Thanks to the Texas Dram Shop Act, injury victims of drunk drivers may also have standing to sue bars, clubs and alcohol retailers that provided alcohol to intoxicated customers who later cause injuries to others. When handling your case, we’ll investigate the circumstances of your accident to determine if a bar or other licensed alcohol provider violated Dram Shop laws and is legally liable for the injuries you’ve suffered.

Contact a Texas drunk driving injury attorney for a free consultation

If you have suffered injuries because of a drunk driving accident in Laredo or if a drunk driver has caused the death of a loved one, call us at (210) 225-HURT (4878)) or toll free (800) 645-8553. During the free consultation, we’ll help you determine if you have grounds for a lawsuit. If you cannot come to our San Antonio office, home and hospital visits are available for clients unable to travel due to injuries. For our Spanish speaking clients, se habla español.


Law Office of
Michael R. De La Paz

Contact Us


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Law Office of Michael R. De La Paz

1100 NW Loop 410, Suite 360
San Antonio, TX 78213

Office: 210-225-HURT (4878)
Toll free: 800-645-8553

Schedule a Free Consultation

The Law Office of Michael R. De La Paz has its principal office in San Antonio, Texas, however, we can represent your personal injury case no matter where you live in Texas, the U.S., or Mexico.
