Truck Accident Lawyer

Construction Vehicle Accidents

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Construction Vehicle Accidents

Truck Accident Lawyer

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Have you been injured in a construction vehicle accident?

Construction vehicle accidents take place in parking spaces near construction work areas, on streets or highways as a result of collisions and also on the grounds of construction sites.

Many different types of construction vehicles exist, and often their function is a factor in the severity and nature of the accidents that occur. Because these crashes can result in serious injury or death, you should consider obtaining a lawyer. In many cases, skilled legal guidance is necessary to deal with large trucking companies and their insurance representatives. Businesses that own commercial vehicles retain insurance teams to investigate, gather evidence and represent them in accident claims. Putting an experienced accident lawyer on your side is often crucial for proving fault so you can recover the compensation that the law entitles you to receive as payment for medical bills and other damages.

What Underlying Causes Lead to Construction Vehicle Accidents?

Although every accident has its own underlying factors, the following are some common causes of construction vehicle accidents:


Negligence and Lack of Oversight

Forklifts, excavators, backhoes, bulldozers and dump trucks are just a few of many different types of construction vehicles. All require specialized training for safe operation. When drivers do not receive adequate training, they are more apt to act negligently or make bad driving decisions. In addition, supervisors have the job of recognizing safety hazards and correcting workers or ensuring that a defective vehicle receives maintenance. When they fail to provide substantial oversight, accidents are more likely to happen.

Failure to Maintain Vehicles


Construction vehicles perform heavy work. Subsequently, the wear and tear on vehicles is constant and they require frequent maintenance, which makes regular inspection and routine repairs or upgrades vital. Manufacturer recommendations include calibration, cleaning and replacements for worn out parts. Otherwise, a vehicle won’t work properly or operate safely. Failing to provide adequate maintenance can lead to vehicles starting or stopping abruptly, dropping materials and other hazards that can lead to accidents. The responsibility to maintain vehicles belongs to drivers, supervisors and construction companies.


Unsafe Construction Sites

If the grounds of the construction site are not strong and solid, they might collapse under the weight of heavy machinery. Construction site vehicles, such as dump trucks can carry up to 26,000 pounds or 13 tons, which is a lot of weight. In addition, construction sites should use trained spotters. Spotters have the job of guiding workers to prevent accidents. By directing drivers, they can also limit the amount of backing up vehicles need to do. Many accidents occur due to visibility issues from blind spots when backing up or turning. Site plans to clear paths for material deliveries and heavy vehicles are vital for reducing the number of accidents.


Negligence and Lack of Oversight

Forklifts, excavators, backhoes, bulldozers and dump trucks are just a few of many different types of construction vehicles. All require specialized training for safe operation. When drivers do not receive adequate training, they are more apt to act negligently or make bad driving decisions. In addition, supervisors have the job of recognizing safety hazards and correcting workers or ensuring that a defective vehicle receives maintenance. When they fail to provide substantial oversight, accidents are more likely to happen.


Failure to Maintain Vehicles


Construction vehicles perform heavy work. Subsequently, the wear and tear on vehicles is constant and they require frequent maintenance, which makes regular inspection and routine repairs or upgrades vital. Manufacturer recommendations include calibration, cleaning and replacements for worn out parts. Otherwise, a vehicle won’t work properly or operate safely. Failing to provide adequate maintenance can lead to vehicles starting or stopping abruptly, dropping materials and other hazards that can lead to accidents. The responsibility to maintain vehicles belongs to drivers, supervisors and construction companies.


Unsafe Construction Sites

If the grounds of the construction site are not strong and solid, they might collapse under the weight of heavy machinery. Construction site vehicles, such as dump trucks can carry up to 26,000 pounds or 13 tons, which is a lot of weight. In addition, construction sites should use trained spotters. Spotters have the job of guiding workers to prevent accidents. By directing drivers, they can also limit the amount of backing up vehicles need to do. Many accidents occur due to visibility issues from blind spots when backing up or turning. Site plans to clear paths for material deliveries and heavy vehicles are vital for reducing the number of accidents.

Get Legal Help for

Serious injuries and damages

When injuries are severe and damages are extensive, an experienced construction vehicle accident lawyer can be your voice in the legal system to help you recover compensation for damages. Investigating and gathering evidence is necessary to prove who was at fault. Courts hold the at-fault party responsible for paying damages. Most cases do not need to go to trial when you have an experienced attorney to negotiate with the responsible party’s insurance company. A lawyer can ensure you receive a fair settlement

Call the Law Office of Michael R. De La Paz at (210) 225-HURT (4878) or toll free (800) 645-8553. We are glad to discuss the details your accident in a free consultation. Let us help you recover the compensation you deserve.


Law Office of
Michael R. De La Paz

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Law Office of Michael R. De La Paz

1100 NW Loop 410, Suite 360
San Antonio, TX 78213

Office: 210-225-HURT (4878)
Toll free: 800-645-8553

Schedule a Free Consultation

The Law Office of Michael R. De La Paz has its principal office in San Antonio, Texas, however, we can represent your personal injury case no matter where you live in Texas, the U.S., or Mexico.



Law Office of
Michael R. De La Paz

Contact Us


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Law Office of Michael R. De La Paz

1100 NW Loop 410, Suite 360
San Antonio, TX 78213

Office: 210-225-HURT (4878)
Toll free: 800-645-8553

Schedule a Free Consultation

The Law Office of Michael R. De La Paz has its principal office in San Antonio, Texas, however, we can represent your personal injury case no matter where you live in Texas, the U.S., or Mexico.